Friday, August 22, 2008

Surprise welcome home

Last night when we pulled up to our home, I couldn't help but smile. Big, bright sunflowers were welcoming us home! The funny thing is - I did not even plant them. Awhile back, I put a birdfeeder in the butterfly garden. The squirrels loved it and buried sunflower seeds in little holes along the front of the house. They are the perfect addition to the colorful flowerbed that welcomes everyone to our home.

I really enjoyed our vacation. Gary did a great job of planning the trip and I was able to just relax and enjoy it. I especially loved Tybee Island. The beach was so relaxing. I loved walking along the sand with my feet sinking into the wet sand and the waves tickling my ankles. The sound of the seagulls calling and the waves crashing washed all my stress away.

I do have to admit that swimming in the ocean was another thing all together. First, I kept seeing the fishermen on the pier pulling in sting rays and baby sharks. I figure- if there are baby sharks, there are mom and dad sharks swimming with me. Then, we went out dolphin watching and the guide told us that the shrimp boats were hauling in whole schools of jelly fish. All of that sealife is more than I wanted to share the water with. But I did love diving into the waves though.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Vacation time!

The last couple of weeks have been crazy busy, but now I am on vacation. I spent the weekend doing what I love- working on my garden. I have more pictures to add, but for now I am packing for a trip to Savannah, Georgia. I am sure that I will have lots more pictures of gardens to add when I get back.

I took a "fuzzy" picture of a beautiful black and blue butterfly yesterday. I will have to try to figure out what it was. The monarch butterflies have been very uncooperative; they either fly away or just keep moving away from me. My neighbor was laughing at me and of course, he came over with his camera and got a great shot of the one I had been trying to "capture."

I am sure that I will have lots to add when I get back.