Sunday, September 7, 2008

Rain, rain, go away!

My husband and son were planning on spending yesterday and today working on our pond project. Unfortunately, it rained so much, they spent most of the time trying to pump the rain water out. The pond is much bigger than even I imagined. I bought a tarp to cover it before the last storm, but it hardly covered half of it. This project feels like it is taking a life time. They finally did install the underwater pipes for the filtration system. It is really deep. They assure me that our fish (if we ever get that far) will be able to survive the winter below the freeze line. I did have a pair of mallards swimming in there earlier this summer, so I can always hope. But in the meantime, another thunderstorm is in the forecast. The good news is that my "nursery" where I am raising plants for the garden area is doing great. The ornamental grasses are looking healthy and happy and the hostas I've been dividing are blooming nicely. I have a lot of daylilies in a bucket that I dug up when I worked on the irises last month, so I need to find a place to plant them temporarily. It has been a very good summer for the garden.

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