Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Social Bookmarking is FINALLY done!

Thank you, Margaret! You have the patience of a saint. Even finding a site to bookmark was painful. I wanted to read how circulation staff were using Web 2.0, but everytime I typed in "circulation," all that came up were sites on fans. I did see a really cool site that had some kind of graphic pattern that changed size and color intensity. The "blobs" represented the Dewey numbers of the popular items that were circulating at the library. It took me back to the psychedelic 60's. It also reminded me of the Seattle Public Library with its digital screen that ran the Dewey numbers of items scanned in. I won't tell Denise- we would need to run out and get another plasma screen just for that. Anyway, I hope that podcasting goes a whole lot easier. Thanks again for your help, Margaret.

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