Saturday, May 24, 2008

Addition of a butterfly feature

This morning the sun was shining and I grabbed my camera to try to capture the morning light. I took a couple of pictures of some of the flowers that I have written about to add to the blog. I'm going to try to download them in a minute.

Also, based on the Creative Ideas magazine from Lowes, I worked on an area on the side of the house next to the potting shed to attract butterflies. Basically, all I needed to do was lay out a small area of stepping stones and a small patch of sand. The butterflies like to rest on the rocks, which absorb heat from the sun. The sand holds moisture and the butterflies drink water and get minerals from the sand. I bought a couple of bright blue salvia to add to the area. This area is really just my "nursery" where I am propagating new plants for the pond area- if that ever really gets finished. Although, I have to admit it was fun to see a pair of mallards swimming in the pond after the last big rain. Anyway, I spread out a few bags of mulch and moved the bird bath over there to give it a more finished look. It was a fun little project and I hope we will have some company soon. A few weeks from now the nearby bushes will be bursting into bloom and little orange butterflies- I think they are called Admiral butterflies, will be swarming them. It will be interesting to see if they really do like the new feature I worked on.

Well wish me luck, I'm going to try to download my pictures...Well, it looked like it was working, but I don't see anything. Guess I will have to try again next week with a little (lot) of help.

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