Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Shack

Today I had a terrible cold. I overslept and when I woke up, I could not stop sneezing and I felt miserable. My neighbor, Fred, came over and gave me a rose bush he didn't want anymore. I didn't feel like going outside at all- but it was a beautiful day, so I went over to look at it. His wife, Char, couldn't remember what color it was, but I ended up taking it anyway. I guess it will be a surprise.

Basically, I stayed in the house and drank hot tea and slept. I am reading, The Shack, by William P. Young. I guess I can't completely get away from gardens. I especially enjoyed the chapter, A Long Time Ago, In a Garden Far,Far Away. Mack is told that the garden that he calls a mess, is really his soul. It is a very interesting story. Like Mack, sometimes I wonder how God can allow bad things to happen. This book really presents the Holy Trinity in a very unique way. I hope to finish it tonight.

Well, the Nyquil is setting in, so I'm signing off. I worked on the RSS feed and read about a really cool library in Holland.

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